Prepare now. Learn how.

Manage risk on the road, at home or in daily life with these resources.


Insurance basics, quick tips and safety


The Hanover's library has safety and insurance articles, videos, infographics and more to help keep your family, business and property safe. Our library and glossary of insurance terms are intended to help guide you through the insurance-buying process.

Talk to your independent insurance agent to be sure you have the right combination of coverage, value and price.





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General coverage information and resources



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Safety and prevention resources



Tips to prevent water damage inside your home

Prevent roof damage to your home

Preventing water damage

Water damage by the numbers

Generator safety

Prepping your home for winter vacation

Tips to remember before leaving for winter vacation

Tips to remember before leaving for winter vacation video

Eight tips to help you winterize your home

What to do if you have an ice dam

Ice dam prevention tips

Frozen pipe prevention tips

What to do when a pipe bursts

Understanding the effects of hailstorms on your home

Prepare for winter to help avoid potential insurance claims


Here's how to prevent your car from being stolen or broken into

RV and camper safety tips

5 tips to protect classic/vintage cars

Maintaining a safe car

Crash course on what do after a car accident

Distracted driving by the numbers

Car seat safety

Car seat safety infographic

Distracted walking creates hazards for drivers and pedestrians

Tire safety and maintenance

Tips for driving in severe weather

6 tips to share the road with cyclists

Teen driving

Talking to your teen about driving

Teen driving behaviors

Are you setting a good example for your teen driver interactive infographic

Teen driving by the numbers

Teen driving trends

Summer driving risks for teen drivers video


How to recognize, avoid and report suspicious emails

Keep your identity safe - online and in line

6 tips to help you avoid cybrercrime

Stand up to cyberbullying

Tips for safe holiday shopping online


Boating safety

Set sails for safety



As a Hanover policyholder, you have access to Hanover Risk Solutions professionals with an array of tools and resources to help reduce your business’ risks wherever they arise—whether it’s in your fleet or your facility, your systems or your staff. Visit our Hanover Risk Solutions page for more and be sure to check out our Hanover Risk Solutions articles below ().

Learn more



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Safety and prevention resources




Individual resources





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General coverage information and resources



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Safety and prevention resources



Tips to prevent water damage inside your home

Prevent roof damage to your home

Preventing water damage

Water damage by the numbers

Generator safety

Prepping your home for winter vacation

Tips to remember before leaving for winter vacation

Tips to remember before leaving for winter vacation video

Eight tips to help you winterize your home

What to do if you have an ice dam

Ice dam prevention tips

Frozen pipe prevention tips

What to do when a pipe bursts

Understanding the effects of hailstorms on your home

Prepare for winter to help avoid potential insurance claims


Here's how to prevent your car from being stolen or broken into

RV and camper safety tips

5 tips to protect classic/vintage cars

Maintaining a safe car

Crash course on what do after a car accident

Distracted driving by the numbers

Car seat safety

Car seat safety infographic

Distracted walking creates hazards for drivers and pedestrians

Tire safety and maintenance

Tips for driving in severe weather

6 tips to share the road with cyclists

Teen driving

Talking to your teen about driving

Teen driving behaviors

Are you setting a good example for your teen driver interactive infographic

Teen driving by the numbers

Teen driving trends

Summer driving risks for teen drivers video


How to recognize, avoid and report suspicious emails

Keep your identity safe - online and in line

6 tips to help you avoid cybrercrime

Stand up to cyberbullying

Tips for safe holiday shopping online


Boating safety

Set sails for safety