General liability
When it comes to liability, your business has a lot to consider: what will happen if you're sued by someone injured on your property, or one of your employees causes damage. What will happen if you're sued by another businessowner? In many cases, what will happen could be catastrophic: costs might end your business entirely. And while insurance coverage is important, preventing liability suits in the first place is even better. Hanover Risk Solutions' experts can help you mitigate risk with these carefully chosen advisories.

Preventing slips, trips and falls in winter weather
Preventing slips, trips and falls in winter weather
You're vigilant all year round about preventing slips, trips and falls, but winter presents special challenges to keeping your facility safe. This plan can help you keep an eye on the factors that endanger patrons and staff when ice and snow make for unsafe conditions.

Contractual risk transfer (CRT) for commercial property owners
Contractual risk transfer (CRT) for commercial property owners
Transferring the risk with the appropriate contract can be an effective way to manage risk. The details in every contract can be important. Learn about effective contractual risk transfer and how it can protect your business from expensive lawsuits and judgments.

Understanding waivers and release agreements
Understanding waivers and release agreements
Protecting your business when patrons are on your property creates risk, and waivers and release agreements are among the most common ways to handle risk. But does everyone in your organization understand the basics of the waivers and release agreements you might be depending on? Getting legal advice is paramount, but understanding the basics is key as well.
Preventing slips, trips and falls
Religious institutions risks
A guide for developing high-quality emergency operations plans for houses of worship

Product recall services
Product recalls impact thousands of companies every year – affecting sales, customer relationships and disrupting supply chains. Sedgwick Brand Protection can help you navigate product recalls with services that range from planning and preparation, through notification and response, retrieval and processing, disposal and remedy, to close-out with regulatory agencies. Planning for recalls can help manufacturers respond faster in the event of a recall, protect reputation and get up and running more quickly.

Alcoholic beverage server training
Nationally known provider of training for those who sell or serve alcohol,, the trademark of Professional Server Certification Corp. (PSCC), provides Hanover policyholders with discounted server training and certification in topics such as state laws for alcohol service, dram shop/liquor liability; responsible serving techniques; incident reporting/compliance and reducing drunken driving. Courses can be taken online for a self-paced innovative approach that includes comprehensive information on laws in your state for alcohol service.

Background checks and employment screening
IntelliCorp Records, Inc., a subsidiary of ISO, provides background check and employment screening products at a discounted rate utilizing some of the best screening tools in the industry. IntelliCorp's wide range of products includes criminal background checks, employment/education verification, credit checks, drug testing, Motor Vehicle Records and more.

Employment Practices Liability
Course I – The Fundamentals
Learn about the hard and soft costs of EPL claims, the types of discrimination, the statutes that protect against different types of discrimination and the most common types of claims.
Course II – Policies & Procedures, The Managers Role
This course will help identify key institutional policies and procedures, list different forms of communications to help employees understand and describe talent management strategies.
Course III – Common Complaints and Prevention Strategies
Learn to identify the most common employment practices that cause employee complaints and understand how to address each of these practices legally and effectively.
Course IV – Addressing a Complaint
Learn the appropriate steps to follow when a harassment or discrimination complaint is filed and understand how to prevent retaliation claims stemming from the complaint process.

Employment Practices Liability for Educational Institutions
Employment practice complaints cost educational institutions millions of dollars each year. To prevent employment practice claims and mitigate the severity of claims takes a highly educated and committed management team. To support your educational institutions' efforts the Hanover's team of experts has developed this four-part training series.
Course I – The Fundamentals
Learn about the hard and soft costs of EPL claims, the types of discrimination, the statutes that protect against different types of discrimination and the most common types of claims.
Course II – Policies & Procedures, The Managers Role
This course will help identify key institutional policies and procedures, list different forms of communications to help employees understand and describe talent management strategies.
Course III – Common Complaints and Prevention Strategies
Learn to identify the most common employment practices that cause employee complaints and understand how to address each of these practices legally and effectively.
Course IV – Addressing a Complaint
Learn the appropriate steps to follow when a harassment or discrimination complaint is filed and understand how to prevent retaliation claims stemming from the complaint process.

Client protection
Applicant Screening
Assists any employee involved in screening and hiring employees and volunteers working with vulnerable persons in building a thorough employee screening process that evaluates each candidate’s ability to keep clients safe.
Bullying Prevention
Supports adults working with children in their efforts to prevent bullying by describing bullying and its impacts and consequences and identifying effective methods of responding to and preventing bullying.
Child Protection Part I: Child Abuse and Neglect
Helps participants learn the basics of child abuse prevention: how to recognize child abuse and neglect and all its forms, identify the potential effects on the children they care for, and understand the scope of this tragedy.
Child Protection Part II: Prevention and Response Strategies
Aids participants in building a child abuse prevention strategy and helps employees and employers to identify their responsibilities, construct safe environments, and respond to allegations.
Mandated Reporter
Assists employees and volunteers in recognizing their mandated reporter responsibilities and outlines the penalties and protection for workers who are in contact with those who are abused or neglected, and the stressors they face.

Hanover Educational Institutional Safety Advantage
Hanover has partnered with a nationally known provider of safety training to provide training focused on the unique risks of educational institutions. Sign in to our Partners page for more information.
Preventing slips, trips and falls
Religious institutions risks
A guide for developing high-quality emergency operations plans for houses of worship