Education and training

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Addressing your safety gaps is important, but learning how to address those gaps carefully and thoroughly is crucial to getting the tangible results you need to help mitigate risk.

Hanover Risk Solutions experts have designed and researched education and training programs that are brief enough to fit your busy schedules yet comprehensive enough to keep you up to date and prepared to maintain your safety programs and help reduce your risk of loss.

Elderly lady driving a car

The Hanover Driver Safety Advantage

The Hanover Driver Safety Advantage

Offers driver safety training courses addressing the challenges most commonly encountered by fleet programs. Hanover policyholders can sign-in or register to take advantage of this program.

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Trucks parked at a warehouse

Organizational Fleet Safety

Organizational Fleet Safety

Learn the nine steps to creating a safer fleet with this e-learning course.

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Clipboard showing checklist

Applicant screening

Applicant screening

Assists any employee involved in screening and hiring employees and volunteers working with vulnerable persons in building a thorough employee screening process that evaluates each candidate’s ability to keep clients safe.

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boy throwing a punch in the air

Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention

Supports adults working with children in their efforts to prevent bullying by describing bullying and its impacts and consequences and identifying effective methods of responding to and preventing bullying.

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girl smiling

Child Protection Part I: Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Protection Part I: Child Abuse and Neglect

Helps participants learn the basics of child abuse prevention: how to recognize child abuse and neglect and all its forms, identify the potential effects on the children they care for, and understand the scope of this tragedy. 

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Hands holding a heart shape

Child Protection Part II: Prevention and Response Strategies

Child Protection Part II: Prevention and Response Strategies

Aids participants in building a child abuse prevention strategy and helps employees and employers to identify their responsibilities, construct safe environments, and respond to allegations.

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young lady smiling

Mandated Reporter Responsibilities

Mandated Reporter Responsibilities

Assists employees and volunteers in recognizing their mandated reporter responsibilities and outlines the penalties and protection for workers who are in contact with those who are abused or neglected, and the stressors they face.

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Elderly lady holding a cane

Preventing Abuse of Elders

Preventing Abuse of Elders

Gives participants the tools they need to recognize the signs of elder abuse as well as understand the scope of abuse in elder populations, and help those in charge begin to develop plans to address abuse and neglect when they’re discovered.

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Employees sitting and smiling

For industry

For industry

Course I – The fundamentals

Learn about the hard and soft costs of EPL claims, the types of discrimination, the statutes that protect against different types of discrimination and the most common types of claims. 

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Course II – Policies & procedures, the managers role

This course will help identify key institutional policies and procedures, list different forms of communications to help employees understand and describe talent management strategies. 

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Course III – Common complaints and prevention strategies

Learn to identify the most common employment practices that cause employee complaints and understand how to address each of these practices legally and effectively.

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Course IV – Addressing a complaint

Learn the appropriate steps to follow when a harassment or discrimination complaint is filed and understand how to prevent retaliation claims stemming from the complaint process.

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Teacher smiling holding a chalk in front of a chalk board

For educational institutions

For educational institutions

Course I – The fundamentals

Learn about the hard and soft costs of EPL claims, the types of discrimination, the statutes that protect against different types of discrimination and the most common types of claims.

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Course II – Policies and procedures, the managers role

This course will help identify key institutional policies and procedures, list different forms of communications to help employees understand and describe talent management strategies.

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Course III – Common complaints and prevention strategies

Learn to identify the most common employment practices that cause employee complaints and understand how to address each of these practices legally and effectively.

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Course IV – Addressing a complaint

Learn the appropriate steps to follow when a harassment or discrimination complaint is filed and understand how to prevent retaliation claims stemming from the complaint process.

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man inspecting electrical

Assess Your Electrical Preventive Maintenance

Assess Your Electrical Preventive Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to preventing problems in your electrical system. Take this short assessment for insight into what your system needs to maintain its reliability

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Electrical Preventive Maintenance

Electrical Preventive Maintenance

Costly electrical fires as well as system shut-downs can be costly, but are preventable. Electrical Preventive Maintenance outlines possible problem areas and methods of evaluating them to help head off problems before they result in fires or impact production.

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Store front

Equipment Operations Efficiency for Small Businesses

Equipment Operations Efficiency for Small Businesses

Improving efficiency of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, cooking and electrical systems can help small businesses save money, reduce environmental impacts, increase security and safety and decrease liability. This training from our RS Partner, Hartford Steam Boiler, contains helpful hints to improve efficiency.

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Stained glass windows

Equipment Operations Efficiency for Religious Institutions

Equipment Operations Efficiency for Religious Institutions

Improving efficiency of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, cooking and electrical systems can help religious institutions save money, reduce environmental impacts, increase security and safety and decrease liability. This training from our RS Partner, Hartford Steam Boiler, contains helpful hints to improve efficiency.

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Equipment inspection

Freeze Prevention

Freeze Prevention

Help keep your fire protection sprinkler systems from freezing in winter with this course. 

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Equipment Operations Efficiency for K-12 Schools

Equipment Operations Efficiency for K-12 Schools

Improving efficiency of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, cooking and electrical systems can help schools save money, reduce environmental impacts, increase security and safety and decrease liability. This training from our RS Partner, Hartford Steam Boiler, contains helpful hints to improve efficiency.

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The Hanover Safe Driving Decisions Series presents three modules with real-life scenarios to help those who are responsible for the safe transport of others to reflect on their driving decisions and how they affect those they transport, the families of those passengers, their co-workers, the organization and management. 

van seats

Module 1

Module 1

Scenarios include driving decisions facing substitute drivers and volunteers.

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A mom driving a car with child in front seat

Module 2

Module 2

Scenarios include driving decisions facing direct care workers and residential case managers.

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White van driving on the road

Module 3

Module 3

Scenarios include driving decisions facing school bus drivers and school administrators.

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Auto safety
Elderly lady driving a car

The Hanover Driver Safety Advantage

The Hanover Driver Safety Advantage

Offers driver safety training courses addressing the challenges most commonly encountered by fleet programs. Hanover policyholders can sign-in or register to take advantage of this program.

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Trucks parked at a warehouse

Organizational Fleet Safety

Organizational Fleet Safety

Learn the nine steps to creating a safer fleet with this e-learning course.

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