Management liability insurance solutions

Management liability

Management liability

Business leaders face a multitude of liability exposures that may not only result in costly litigation, but also divert important resources away from day-to-day operations, threatening the very existence of the business.

Hanover management liability offers you the power to choose the right mix of executive and business liability coverages to protect the assets of private companies and nonprofit organizations the personal assets of directors, management, and employees from a myriad of potential liability exposures or fraud/embezzlement, and the resulting financial consequences. With a wide array of options and limits, you can quickly and effectively respond to your changing risk profiles, including coverage parts, limits of liability, retentions, and an array of enhancements.

Two Column

Private companies

Private companies

Our offering addresses the unique risk management needs of privately-owned companies of any size and in most industries, such as:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional services
  • Retail
  • Wholesalers

Nonprofit organizations

Nonprofit organizations

Our offering addresses the unique risk management needs of privately-owned companies of any size and in most industries, such as:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional services
  • Retail
  • Wholesalers

Private companies

Private companies

Our offering addresses the unique risk management needs of privately-owned companies of any size and in most industries, such as:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional services
  • Retail
  • Wholesalers

Nonprofit organizations

Nonprofit organizations

Our offering addresses the unique risk management needs of privately-owned companies of any size and in most industries, such as:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional services
  • Retail
  • Wholesalers

Coverage overview

Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O)

Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O)

Protects privately owned companies, their directors and officers, from claims brought against them by investors, customers, suppliers, competitors, and the government

Employment practices liability insurance (EPL)

Employment practices liability insurance (EPL)

Protects against the financial damage of claims brought by employees and third parties for wrongful employment acts based on discrimination, workplace hostility, defamation or humiliation, and more.

Fiduciary liability insurance

Fiduciary liability insurance

Protects the company, employees and fiduciaries who design, administer, and manage pension, health and welfare, employee stock ownership, and employee benefit plans alleged to have breached their fiduciary duty

Fidelity and crime insurance

Fidelity and crime insurance

Protects against loss caused by criminal acts, including employee theft, burglary, robbery, computer fraud, and funds transfer fraud, and more

Kidnap/ransom and extortion insurance

Kidnap/ransom and extortion insurance

Protects against loss of assets arising from kidnapping and extortion where personal harm or destruction of products or property are threatened

Cyber privacy and security insurance

Cyber privacy and security insurance

Protects the company from liability and other expenses related to the loss of confidential personal information.

Valuable management liability services

Our underwriting, claims, and risk management professionals have many years of experience providing valuable services for policyholders.

Risk Solutions

Risk Solutions

The Hanover understands the challenges of doing business in today’s complex and litigious business environment, and is here to help. We offer an array of tools and resources to help manage these risks and sustain long-term business success.

  • Mitigating Social Engineering Fraud complimentary e-learning course
  • Employment Practices Liability (EPL) complimentary e-learning courses
  • Cyber risk management portal
  • Employee background screening services

Find out more



For more than 160 years, The Hanover has been there for every claim, minor or catastrophic, simple or complex. We're committed to working together from first notice through final resolution to help clients get back to business. And, because management liability claims require a deeper level of expertise, we have a dedicated claims team that is distinct from our core claims division.

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Get a management liability quote

Your Hanover agent can provide you with a management liability quote as part of total business insurance solution.

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