Everything you need to report a workplace injury
- Gather all the information needed for filing your report prior to calling the quick care report line.
- At the end of your call, make note of your call confirmation number for future reference.
- Name of company, contact person, phone number
- Policy number
- Mailing address (complete), mailing location code
- Telephone number (include area code)
- Injury location (if different from mailing address), injury location code
- Type of business, SIC code
- Tax ID number
- Unemployment insurance account number
- Second employer (if applicable)
- Second employer average weekly wage
- First name, middle initial, last name
- Social Security Number
- Date of birth
- Home address (complete)
- Telephone number (include area code)
- Gender
- Occupation (regular job title)
- Date of hire
- Usual number of hours, days/week worked
- Employment status: regular full time, part time, temporary, seasonal, volunteer
- Gross wages/salary: $_____ per ______
- Department
- Number of dependents
- Tax filing status
- ls employee certified as vocationally handicapped?
Injury or illness
- Date of injury or onset of illness
- Time injury or illness occurred
- If employee died, date of death
- Date employee last worked
- Date employee returned to work
- Was employee paid full wages for date of injury?
- Is employee's salary being continued?
- Date of employer's knowledge/notice of injury or illness
- Specific injury or illness, part of body affected, medical diagnosis (if available)
- Location of event or exposure (complete address)
- Did event or exposure occur on employer's premises?
- Specific activity employee was performing when event or exposure occurred
- How injury or illness occurred (describe sequence of events, object or exposure that directly caused injury or illness)
- Physician name, telephone number, complete address
- If hospitalized as in-patient, hospital name, telephone number, complete address
- Supervisor name
- Witness name, complete address, phone number
SP327 (3/20)