Workstation ergonomics illustration
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Workstation ergonomics illustration
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Workstation ergonomics illustration

- Infographic transcript
Workstation ergonomics illustrated
- Head facing forward, level or tilted slightly down
- Top of monitor at eye level or slightly lower, about arm’s length away
- Telephone headset, if needed
- Body upright or slightly reclined back
- Shoulders and upper arms relaxed, elbows at about 90o
- Document holder, if needed, close to monitor
- Task lighting to reduce glare on screen
- Lumbar support for lower back
- Arm rests just below forearms with shoulders relaxed, or remove arm rests
- Thighs approximately parallel to the floor
- Mouse close to keyboard
- Wrists in line with forearms, not bent up, down or to the sides
- Rest wrist just below wrists or no wrist rest
- Space between lower legs and front of seat pan
- Feet on floor, or on a foot rest if desk height is not adjustable
- This diagram shows the “neutral” posture. No posture will be comfortable for a long period of time. Periodically change positions, look away from the screen, stand and take a walk. The best position is your next position!
Related resources
Workstation ergonomics illustration
