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6 tips to share the road with cyclists

Road safety is everyone's responsibility, whether you're in a vehicle or on a bicycle. Consider these six tips to help ensure safe travels for both drivers and bicyclists.


Safety concerns for home workers—managing the risk

Preventing worker injuries while employees work from home presents challenges. This framework for keeping employees safe helps address potential risks.


woman wearing headphones working at home

Independent agents can build comprehensive and cohesive coverage for financial institutions

Asset managers and depository institutions have a wide variety of organizational structures and a myriad of exposures, making it challenging for independent agents to design coverage plans that effectively address their evolving risks. Often, the best approach is to work with a few insurers that offer broader, more flexible coverage options, streamlining the approach for the agent and the customer.


property casualty 360 logo

Can software kill you?

No business is immune to cyber risk, but with connected medical devices and records, the stakes for life sciences companies are even higher. With Hanover Fusion, The Hanover is ready to help agents mitigate these risks for their life sciences customers.


woman holding insulin pump

Why are insurance costs rising for drivers?

Auto insurance rates are rising due to inflation and other nationwide trends. This article details some of the key factors causing a rise in premiums, including an increase in vehicle fatalities, repair costs, rental prices and more.
