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Mark your calendar for an annual insurance review

This article helps remind personal insurance customers to review their policies annually with their independent agent to make sure they have the right coverage and enough of it.


An older couple sits across a desk from a bearded man who is showing them something on a tablet.

More modular, new risks

With construction costs on the rise, and the quality and convenience of modular construction improving, contractors are likely to turn to it as a viable and profitable option. This article illustrates the risks involved, and how independent insurance agents are poised to protect against those risks.


modular buildings in a warehouse

Screening volunteers is mission critical

While volunteers extend the reach and capacity of a human services organization, they also create additional risks. See how agents can provide an insurance solution that includes complimentary access to risk analysis, training resources and discounts with vendor partners.


woman volunteering at food bank

Why are home insurance costs rising?

Home insurance rates are rising due to nationwide trends impacting the cost to rebuild homes in the event of a loss. This article details some of the key factors causing a rise in premiums, including more frequent and severe weather, higher material costs, labor shortages and more. Suggestions for insurance coverage to consider are included in order to have the right coverage and enough of it.


Illustrated image of a neighborhood. Rain, fire, tornado and wind are impacting each home.