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95 results found

Eight ways to make the most of your insurance dollars

Home and auto insurance rates are on the rise – in every region of the country and across the whole property and casualty insurance industry. Wonder how you might save on insurance?


Young Woman Dreams

What floats our boat? Safety.

Meet Dave. Like one in 10 Americans, he owns a boat. Dave and his family spend an average of 14 weekends on the water. Like 95 percent of recreational boat owners, his craft is less than 26’ long. He understands not only the capabilities of his vessel, but his piloting and navigating skills, as well.


Safety and coverage for boat owners

The right vehicle for your teen driver

Parents know that the right car for their teen is something that emphasizes safety. This guide from The Hanover can help you get started when you shop.


happy young woman seated in car holding car keys

8 tips to help winterize your home

Dealing with damage to your home on top of winter weather is something no one looks forward to. Protecting your home from possible destruction can prevent this from happening.


Father and son building snowman