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60 results found

Cyber insurance solutions for homeowners

The hacks of big businesses grab the headlines. But for homeowners, the threats of cyberattacks, data breaches and other online crimes are more prevalent than ever. See how The Hanover can help you protect against a virtual home invasion.


Code on screen

Why have all of your insurance with one company?

See how The Hanover can provide peace-of-mind, savings and convenience for your personal insurance experience.


fishing items in driveway with car

Can software kill you?

No business is immune to cyber risk, but with connected medical devices and records, the stakes for life sciences companies are even higher. With Hanover Fusion, The Hanover is ready to help agents mitigate these risks for their life sciences customers.


woman holding insulin pump

Future implications of Industry 4.0

With the technological advances being made within the manufacturing industry, now is the time to start the conversation about the correct insurance solutions that can help manufacturers address claims made against their company should they experience a cyberattack.


manufacturing man on computer

The difference you make as an independent agent

Learn the unique advantage independent agents have in the insurance market place - and what factors impede them from fully capitalizing on it.


Businessman smiling

Busting common myths about service centers

Learn the truth about many myths regarding carrier service centers, and why partnering with a service center may be the best way you can positively impact your agency's productivity and realize a long-term growth strategy.


customer service representative smiling