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Why are insurance costs rising for homeowners?

Learn about recent trends impacting how much insurance protection you’ll need and the price you’ll pay for it.


illustration of a house with a dog in front of it and a car driving by.

Bullying prevention: an eLearning course from The Hanover

Welcome to this course on bullying prevention for educators, from the Hanover professional development series.




tailgating on a busy highway

More modular, new risks

With construction costs on the rise, and the quality and convenience of modular construction improving, contractors are likely to turn to it as a viable and profitable option. This article illustrates the risks involved, and how independent insurance agents are poised to protect against those risks.


modular buildings in a warehouse

Screening volunteers is mission critical

While volunteers extend the reach and capacity of a human services organization, they also create additional risks. See how agents can provide an insurance solution that includes complimentary access to risk analysis, training resources and discounts with vendor partners.


woman volunteering at food bank