Production is what it’s all about for our manufacturing insureds — and the risk that something might set production back and erode the bottom line is real and present.
At Hanover Risk Solutions, we know about the many different types of losses your industry is likely to face — employee injuries, pandemics, supply chain interruptions, electrical fires and weather that impacts business continuity are among the most common.
Knowing about these potential losses and considering how they might impact your business and what you can do to mitigate the impact is key — and we can help. We've assembled a comprehensive list of resources that cover these risks and more.

Ergonomics interactive toolkit
Ergonomics interactive toolkit
Any working position requires the right combination of conditions to prevent injury and keep employees on the job. Evaluating the job and finding solutions to prevent ergonomic injuries is easier with this interactive online tool, which can help your business identify ergonomic risks and create a plan to help prevent them.

Business continuity planning in action: a guide to keep your business ready for an emergency
Business continuity planning in action: a guide to keep your business ready for an emergency
Most businesses hard hit by disasters have a hard time recovering. Hurricanes, floods, cyber hacks, pandemics, all can interrupt business and profits, with disastrous results. Be prepared to prevent the worst from happening.

Basics of machine safeguarding
Basics of machine safeguarding
Preventing workers accidents is a priority for most manufacturers. Saving on these typs of accidents helps prevent high claims costs and work slowdowns. Many injuries are the result of inadequate or missing machine safetyguarding, a topic that needs regular supervision. This checklist can help you keep on top of the issue.
Fleet safety
Access auto and fleet safety information here.
Business continuity planning in action—a guide to keep your business ready for an emergency
Access natural hazards information on our Property page.
Worker safety
Basics of machine safeguarding
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample slip, trip and fall prevention
Access additional worker safety information and safety management information on our workers' compensation page.
Plastics manufacturing
Basics of machine safeguarding
How to prevent costly electrical system problems
Fire protection impairment management checklist
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample personal protective equipment policy
Sample personal protective equipment hazard assessment certification form
Basics of machine safeguarding
Electrical preventive maintenance for small businesses
How to prevent costly electrical system problems
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample personal protective equipment policy
Sample personal protective equipment hazard assessment certification form
Hanover has partnered with other expert safety professionals to provide our customers with discounted solutions to costly problems. Manufacturing Risk Management professionals may find these especially helpful:
See our Risk Solutions Partners page to view the valuable services our Partners can offer you.

Slip-resistant footwear
Slip and fall workplace injuries are a major cause of workers' compensation claims each year, and many might be prevented with appropriate footwear. Shows for Crews provides slip-resistant footwear for workers from a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare, all averaging 15 to 20 percent below retail for Hanover customers.

Business continuity
OFB-EZ, the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) Disaster Recovery Planning Toolkit helps you plan for the worst and get your business up and running when catastrophe strikes.

Alarm system monitoring, testing and maintenance
Tyco SimplexGrinnell offers testing and inspection of alarm systems and 24/7 monitoring as well as testing and inspection of automatic sprinkler systems.

Sensor solutions
HSB’s IoT Sensors for Business can help protect your property from moisture damage, 24/7, with an easy-to-install system that monitors temperatures and moisture to help pinpoint problems before they destroy property.

Product recall services
Sedgwick Brand Protection can provide our manufacturing policyholders with services to help address the most difficult aspects of product recalls. Sedgwick offers recall and FSMA planning consulting services throughout the supply chain, including recall preparation, compliance and regulatory reporting, recall notification and response, recall retrieval, and processing, disposal and remedy. Planning for recalls can help manufacturers respond faster in the event of a recall, protect reputation and get up and running more quickly.

ProActive Response Group
If there was a medical emergency at your workplace or if an active shooter was on site, you are your own first responder. Hanover Risk Solutions has partnered with ProActive Response Group to offer active shooter and emergency response training.

Product, workplace and visual safety
Clarion Safety Systems is a leading designer and provider of product safety, workplace safety and visual safety communication. They specialize in creating high-quality product safety labels and facility safety signs. Additionally, they offer machinery safety consulting services and assist companies in achieving compliance with safety standards.

Contract and document compliance technology
Document Crunch has an innovative solution that helps you easily navigate the complexities of contracts by leveraging artificial intelligence through their CrunchAI™ technology program.

Freeze prevention
How to help prevent frozen pipes in your fire protection sprinkler system
Fire protection sprinkler systems are only reliable if the water is flowing. Help keep your fire protection sprinkler systems from freezing during cold temperatures with this new course.

Electrical safety
Assess Your Electrical Preventive Maintenance
Regular maintenance is key to preventing problems in your electrical system. Take this short assessment for insight into what your system needs to maintain its reliability
Electrical Risk Management Solution
Take an online course at your convenience and see how you can stop electrical problems before they stop your business.

Driver training
Hanover Driver Safety Advantage
Offers driver training courses through a national provider of online training, available to your employees wherever they may be.
Several of our Hanover Risk Solutions Partners also provide education videos and safety training. Visit Hanover Risk Solutions Partners to access information on this discounted service.
Fleet safety
Access auto and fleet safety information here.
Business continuity planning in action—a guide to keep your business ready for an emergency
Access natural hazards information on our Property page.
Worker safety
Basics of machine safeguarding
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample slip, trip and fall prevention
Access additional worker safety information and safety management information on our workers' compensation page.
Plastics manufacturing
Basics of machine safeguarding
How to prevent costly electrical system problems
Fire protection impairment management checklist
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample personal protective equipment policy
Sample personal protective equipment hazard assessment certification form
Basics of machine safeguarding
Electrical preventive maintenance for small businesses
How to prevent costly electrical system problems
Sample energy control (lockout/tagout)
Sample personal protective equipment policy
Sample personal protective equipment hazard assessment certification form