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108 results found

Five ways to save when insuring a teen driver

Learn more about The Hanover's five ways to save on auto insurance rates when you add a teen driver to your policy.


Save on your auto insurance when you add a teen driver.

6 tips to share the road with cyclists

Road safety is everyone's responsibility, whether you're in a vehicle or on a bicycle. Consider these six tips to help ensure safe travels for both drivers and bicyclists.


Steer clear of deer

For something that doesn’t eat meat or attack people, deer sure can be dangerous. The reason is simple: car accidents. By knowing what to look for to avoid them, and what to do if you encounter one, you can keep yourself and your car safer.


steer clear of deer infographic

Four ways to safeguard your wine

Four ways to protect your valuable wine collection.


Elegant wine cellar with bottles of wine stored on their side and two barrels with bottles of wine and wine glasses on them.

Six tips to keep your jewelry safe

Six ways to keep jewelry safe at home.


expensive looking jewelry on a table, including a diamond ring in a box and a watch

How do I insure fine art?

Answers to your questions about how to best insure fine art - individual pieces and collections.


Collection of gold-framed oil paintings leaning against a velvet chair